Pinnacle Hospital 0891-676 9999, +918978889738 Email
Dr.G.Hannah Supriya
HOD Physiotherapy
HOD Physiotherapy
MPT (Neurology)
M.SC (psychology)
Training in Neurology AIIMS,New Delhi
Work Experience:
Vice-Principal - SRET College of Physiotherapy (MIMS) Vizianagaram
Physiotherapist - WRI Medical College , Visakhapatnam
Assistant Professor - SIPR(GSl Medical College)
Physiotherapy consultant - YMCA Special Education center ,new Delhi
Area Of Expertise:
Neurological cases - paralysis , weakness & Stroke
Achieved Gold Medal in Post Graduation
Selected for training in neurology in AIIMS
Presented Innovative topic on NMES in Dysphagia Rehabilitation in Physio conclave on 10th June 2018
Presented Innovative topic on pressure biofeedback in stress urinary incontinence in women in national UGC Seminar , Women and Technology on 31st march 2018
used innovating laser technology for non healing ulcers along with our plastic surgeon Dr. PRK Prasad at Pinnacle Hospitals